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Babbage, Charles

  • 1 Babbage, Charles

    b. 26 December 1791 Walworth, Surrey, England
    d. 18 October 1871 London, England
    English mathematician who invented the forerunner of the modern computer.
    Charles Babbage was the son of a banker, Benjamin Babbage, and was a sickly child who had a rather haphazard education at private schools near Exeter and later at Enfield. Even as a child, he was inordinately fond of algebra, which he taught himself. He was conversant with several advanced mathematical texts, so by the time he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1811, he was ahead of his tutors. In his third year he moved to Peterhouse, whence he graduated in 1814, taking his MA in 1817. He first contributed to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 1815, and was elected a fellow of that body in 1816. He was one of the founders of the Astronomical Society in 1820 and served in high office in it.
    While he was still at Cambridge, in 1812, he had the first idea of calculating numerical tables by machinery. This was his first difference engine, which worked on the principle of repeatedly adding a common difference. He built a small model of an engine working on this principle between 1820 and 1822, and in July of the latter year he read an enthusiastically received note about it to the Astronomical Society. The following year he was awarded the Society's first gold medal. He submitted details of his invention to Sir Humphry Davy, President of the Royal Society; the Society reported favourably and the Government became interested, and following a meeting with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Babbage was awarded a grant of £1,500. Work proceeded and was carried on for four years under the direction of Joseph Clement.
    In 1827 Babbage went abroad for a year on medical advice. There he studied foreign workshops and factories, and in 1832 he published his observations in On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. While abroad, he received the news that he had been appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. He held the Chair until 1839, although he neither resided in College nor gave any lectures. For this he was paid between £80 and £90 a year! Differences arose between Babbage and Clement. Manufacture was moved from Clement's works in Lambeth, London, to new, fireproof buildings specially erected by the Government near Babbage's house in Dorset Square, London. Clement made a large claim for compensation and, when it was refused, withdrew his workers as well as all the special tools he had made up for the job. No work was possible for the next fifteen months, during which Babbage conceived the idea of his "analytical engine". He approached the Government with this, but it was not until eight years later, in 1842, that he received the reply that the expense was considered too great for further backing and that the Government was abandoning the project. This was in spite of the demonstration and perfectly satisfactory operation of a small section of the analytical engine at the International Exhibition of 1862. It is said that the demands made on manufacture in the production of his engines had an appreciable influence in improving the standard of machine tools, whilst similar benefits accrued from his development of a system of notation for the movements of machine elements. His opposition to street organ-grinders was a notable eccentricity; he estimated that a quarter of his mental effort was wasted by the effect of noise on his concentration.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1816. Astronomical Society Gold Medal 1823.
    Babbage wrote eighty works, including: 1864, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher.
    July 1822, Letter to Sir Humphry Davy, PRS, on the Application of Machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing Mathematical Tables.
    Further Reading
    1961, Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engines: Selected Writings by Charles Babbage and Others, eds Philip and Emily Morrison, New York: Dover Publications.

    Biographical history of technology > Babbage, Charles

  • 2 Babbage

    n. Babbage, familienaam; Charles Babbage (1792-1871), Engelse wiskundige en de "vader van de berekening", uitvinder van een wiskundige rekenmachine die de voorganger was van de huidige computers

    English-Dutch dictionary > Babbage

  • 3 Charles Babbage Institute

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > Charles Babbage Institute

  • 4 Charles Babbage Institute

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Charles Babbage Institute

  • 5 Electronics and information technology

    Byron, Ada Augusta
    Napier, John
    Riche, Gaspard-Clair-François-Marie
    Schickhard, Wilhelm

    Biographical history of technology > Electronics and information technology

  • 6 Byron, Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace

    b. 12 December 1815 Piccadilly Terrace, London, England
    d. 23 November 1852 East Horsley, Surrey, England
    English mathematician, active in the early development of the calculating machine.
    Educated by a number of governesses in a number of houses from Yorkshire to Ealing, she was the daughter of a hypochondriac mother and her absent, separated, husband, the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron. As a child a mysterious and undiagnosed illness deprived her "of the use of her limbs" and she was "obliged to use crutches". The complaint was probably psychosomatic as it cleared up when she was 17 and was about to attend her first court ball. On 8 July 1835 she was married to William King, 1st Earl of Lovelace. She later bore two sons and a daughter. She was an avid student of science and in particular mathematics, in the course of which Charles Babbage encouraged her. In 1840 Babbage was invited to Turin to present a paper on his analytical engine. In the audience was a young Italian military engineer, L.F.Menabrea, who was later to become a general in Garibaldi's army. The paper was written in French and published in 1842 in the Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève. This text was translated into English and published with extensive annotations by the Countess of Lovelace, appearing in Taylor's Scientific Memoirs. The Countess thoroughly understood and appreciated Babbage's machine and the clarity of her description was so great that it is undoubtedly the best contemporary account of the engine: even Babbage recognized the Countess's description as superior to his own. Ada often visited Babbage in his workshop and listened to his explanations of the structure and use of his engines. She shared with her husband a love of horse-racing and, with Babbage, tried to develop a system for backing horses. Babbage and the Earl apparently stopped their efforts in time, but the Countess lost so heavily that she had to pawn all her family jewels. Her losses at the 1851 Derby alone amounted to £3,200, while borrow-ing a further £1,800 from her husband. This situation involved her in being blackmailed. She became an opium addict due to persistent pain from gastritis, intermittent anorexia and paroxys-mal tachycardia. Charles Babbage was always a great comfort to her, not only for their shared mathematical interests but also as a friend helping in all manner of small services such as taking her dead parrot to the taxidermist. She died after a protracted illness, thought to be cancer, at East Horsley Towers.
    Further Reading
    D.Langley Moore, 1977, Ada, Countess of Lovelace: Byron's Legitimate Daughter, John Murray.
    P.Morrison and E.Morrison, 1961, Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engine, Dover Publications.

    Biographical history of technology > Byron, Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace

  • 7 computer

    [këm'pju:të:] n 1. makinë llogaritëse; kompjuter, ordinator. 2. llogaritës, njehsues (person)
    - Kompjuteri është pajisje elektronike shumë e ndërlikuar që shërben për regjistrimin, transmetimin dhe përpunimin e informatave që mund të manifestohen si llogaritje, udhëheqje të proceseve, përpunim i tekstit, të dhënave të ndryshme si dhe për përdorime më të përgjithëshme. Kompjuteri, marrë në kuptimin e gjerë, përbëhet prej dy komponentëve të quajtura: harduer ( hardware - pjesë fizike e tij) dhe softuer ( software - programet dhe udhëzimet për punë). Me fjalë tjera, softueri është pjesa programore e hardueri pjesa mekanika e kompjuterit.
    Hardueri përmban komponentet fizike të kompjuterit siç janë: tastiera ( Keyboard), monitori, shtypësi ( Printer), miu ( Mouse), disku i ngurtë ( Hard Disk), njësia e diskut, disketa ( Floppy Disk), njësia e disketës, CD-ROM-i ( CD ROM), njësia e CD-ROM-it, vizatuesi, modemi, lexuesi ( Scanner), kamera digjitale etj.
    Softueri përmbanë programet dhe të dhënat të cilat e udhëzojnë kompjuterin në punën e tij, literatura, dokumentacioni dhe udhëzimet në lidhje me kompjuterin. Hardueri mund të krahasohet me gramafonin e disqet, ndërsa softueri me muzikën e inçizuar në disqe.)
    Zhvillimi historik i kompjuterit
    - Njeriu gjithmon ka tentuar të zgjidhë edhe problemet monotone, të vështira dhe të papërshtatshme. Gjatë zgjidhjeve të këtyre problemeve ka hasur në punë të vështira fizike, prandaj, çdo here ka tentuar që të liroj veten nga këta punë duke menduar makina të lloj-llojshme. Një makinë e këtyllë për lehtësimin e llogaritjeve aritmetike është makina e quajtur Abacus për të cilën dihet se është në përdorim prej para 5000 vjetëve. Kjo makinë i ngjanë numratores së sotme të cilën e përdorin nxënësit në klasë të pare dhe njihet si zanafilla e kompjuterëve të sotëm. Prej kohës së zbulimit të Abacusit e deri në shekullin 17 historia e zhvillimit të kompjuterëve nuk posedon të dhëna për ndonjë lëvizje në rrugën e zhvillimit të kompjuterëve.
    - Gjatë shekullit 17, respektivisht në vitin 1614 matematikani skocez J. Napier zbulon logaritmet dhe në vtin 1622 W. Oughtred ndërton kompjuterin (makinën) logaritmik cirkular për llogaritjen e logaritmeve.
    - Në vitin 1649 Blaise Pascal ndërton makinën mekanike për kryerjen e operacioneve aritmetike. Makina e Pascalit është e ndërtuar prej disa dhëmbëzorëve të cilët në lëvizje vendohen mekanikisht (me dorë). Ideja e konstruktimit të një makine-kalkulatori (kalkulator quhet makina e cila kryen operacionet aritmetike) ka qenë lehtësimi i punës së të atit të tij i cili ka qenë puntor i tatimeve (mbledhës i tatimeve) dhe ka patur nevojë për shumë llogaritje.
    - Në vitin 1672 G.W. Laibniz në Pariz projekton kalkulatorin mekanik më të përsosur nga dy të parët i cili me sukse do t'i kryej katër operacionet elementare aritmetike. Kufizimi në realizimin konkret të këtij kalkulatori ka qenë teknologjia e dobët e asaj kohe prandaj ky projekt ka ngelur i pa realizuar. Është interesant të përmendet se Laibnitz ka qenë pioneri i parë në hulumtimin e sistemit binar i cili përdoret në ndërtimin e kompjuterëve të sotëm. Gjatë 150
    viteve në vazhdim të gjithë tentimet për zhvillimin e kalkulatorëve kanë qenë të inspiruar nga kalkulatori i Laibnitzit.
    - Në vitin 1822 Anglezi Charles Babbage paraqet projekt të një kalkulatori krejtësisht të ndryshëm i dedikuar për llogaritjen e tabelave për funksione të caktuara. Projekti i këtillë do të finansoheshe nga qeveria Angleze e asaj kohe dhe do të përdoreshe për llogaritjen e tabelave për navigacionin detar. Për shkak të kompleksitetit dhe kushteve financiare e teknologjike ky projekt nuk u krye, në vitin 1842 definitivisht projekti u ndërpre. Makinën e këtillë Babbage e quajti makina diferenciale. Projektin e makinës diferenciale me sukse e realizuan Suedezët në vitin 1854 nën udhëheqen e P. G. Scheutza (duke i zbatuar sqarimet dhe vërejtjet e dhëna nga Babbage në 7000 faqe të shkruara) dhe makina e fituar nën pogon mekanik me sukse i llogariti tabelat (për 80 orë ka logarit 10000 logaritme).
    - Në vitin 1835 Babbage erdhi në idenë e konstruktimit të një makine programabile me funksionet që i kanë kompjuterët e tanishëm (me njësinë aritmetike-logjike, memorjen, etj.). Makinën e këtillë e quajti makina analitike. Për shkak të krizave finaciare dhe të vështirësive teknologjike kjo makinë ngeli vetëm në fazën e projektimit në letër por dha një inpuls të fuqishëm në zhvillimin e kompjuterëve të mëtutjeshëm.
    - Koha moderne fillon me përdorimin e energjisë elektrike në makinat për llogaritje. Në vitin 1884 emigranti gjerman në Amerikë Herman Holerith patenton makinën e pare elektrike e cila do të mund të rendit (sortoj) kartelat e shpuara me të dhënat për banorët e Amerikës. Makina e Holerithit në lëvizje vendoheshte me ndihmën e baterive. Qëllimi i kësaj makine ishte renditja e kartelave me të dhënat e banorëve të Amerikës të regjistruar në vitin 1890. Holerithi ishte inzhenier dhe punonte në institutin e statistikës, problem në atë kohë ishte përpunimi statistikor i të dhënave. Kështu regjistrimi statistikor në teren zgjatë disa muaj ndërsa përpunimi zgjate disa vjetë por bile edhe dhjetra vjetë dhe kur të dhënat përpunoheshin rezultatet e fituara ishin të vjetëruara (sepse regjistrimi statistikor zakonisht bëhet çdo 10 vjetë). Qeveria e asaj kohe shpall konkurs për përpunimin automatik të të dhënave me qëllim të përshpejtimit të përpunimit. Holerithi pasi punonte në institutin ku bëheshte përpunimi i të dhënave të këtylla, e njihte problemin dhe për këtë qëllim patentoi makinën e tij. Kështu me ndihmën e 56 makinave të Holerithit u aritë që të dhënat statistikore për popullsinë e Amerikës të përpunohen vetëm për gjashtë javë (në atë regjistrim Amerika doli me 62 622 250 banorë).
    - Pas këtij suksesi Holerithi themeloi kompaninë për prodhimin dhe huazimin e këtyre makinave (makina quheshe Tabulating Machine) me emrin Tabulating Machine Company e cila në vitin 1924 u bashkua me disa kompani të tjera dhe ndëroi emrin në IBM (International Business Machines), e njohur edhe sot.
    - Në vitin 1936 gjermani K. Zuse në Berlin arrinë të konstruktoj kalkulatorin programabil i cili do të mund të zgjidhë barazimet lineare. Zuse ariti të konstruktoj makinën e pare e cila shfrytëzonte sistemin binar, këtë makinë e konstriktoi në katër modele të njëpasnjëshëm Z1, Z2, Z3 dhe Z4, por modeli Z4 ngeli vetëm si ide interesante.
    - Me fillimin e luftës së dytë botërore interesimi për makina llogaritëse (kompjuterë) u zvoglua dhe gjithnjë mendohej në përmirësimin e armatimit. Mirëpo për prodhimin e armëve të reja artilerike nevoitej një hulumtin më i thellë dhe llogaritje të vështira, për hulumtime dhe llogaritje të thella nevoiteshe kohë e cila mungonte. Në vitin 1942 Fakulteti Moore School of Electrical Engineering nga Universiteti i Pensilvanisë bashkë me institutin Ballistic Research Laboratory nga armata Amerikane filloi hulumtimet për një makinë-kompjuter i cili do t'u lehtësonte punën puntorëve në industrinë ushtarake për prodhimin e armatimit artilerik respektivisht do të llogaritë tabelat balistike. Projekti deri në 1943 ishte në fshehtësi. Në vitin 1943 filloi ndërtimin nën udhëheqjen e udhëheqësve të projektit John W. Mauchly dhe J. Presper Eckert. Kompjuteri i menduar u quajt ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) dhe në përdorim u lëshua më 15 Shkurt 1946. Kompjuteri ENIAC meret si kompjuteri i parë i formës dhe me funksionet e kompjuterëve të sotëm. Me konstruktimin e ENIAC-ut fillon edhe gjenerata e parë e zhvillimit të kompjuterëve. Vlenë të përmendet se idenë për ndërtimin e kompjuterit të këtillë (në vitin 1930) e dha matematicienti John V. Atanasoff i cili në atë kohë punonte me kompjuterët analog për zgjidhjen e barazimeve lineare në lëminë e kërkimeve operacionale si dhe matematikani i shekullit 20 John von Neuman i cili ariti që teoretikisht ta përpunojë idenë dhe të bëjë sistematizimin e idesë.
    - Kompjuteri ENIAC përmbante afër 18000 llëmba elektronike, peshonte afër 30 tonë, zënte sipërfaqe prej 150 m2.
    - Kompjuterët e prodhuar prej vitit 1946 deri 1953 (kompjuterët EDVAC, ILLIAC, MANIAC etj.), njihen si gjenerata e parë dhe karakterizohen me llëmbat elektronike.
    - Me zbulimin e tranzistorit fillon gjenerata e dytë, kjo gjenerat zgjat prej vitit 1953 deri 1964. Tek kompjuterët e gjeneratës së dytë fillon zbatimi i gjuhëve të larta programore (Fortran-i paraqitet në vitin 1957, Algol në vitin 1961, etj.)
    - Gjenerata e tretë e kompjuterëve fillon në vitin 1964 dhe vazhdon deri në vitin 1971, kompjuterat e konstruktuar në këtë periudhë karakterisohen me qarqet e integruara-çipat.
    - Gjenerata e katër e kompjuterëve fillon në vitin 1971, kompjuterët e kësaj gjenerate karakterizohen me qarqet integrale të dendësisë së madhe LSI dhe VLSI (V-very). Gjenerata e katër e kompjuterëve ende është e hapur, PC kompjuterët e sotëm i takojnë gjeneratës së katër.
    - Për dallim nga katër gjeneratat e para kompjuterët e të cilave bëjnë përpunimin e të dhënave, kompjuterët e gjeneratës pestë e cila fillon në vitin 1981 bëjnë përpunimin e njohurive. Në këtë gjeneratë bien makinat e quajtura Robot.
    - Kompjuterët e gjeneratës së gjashtë (njëherit gjenerata e fundit e kompjuterëve) e cila fillon në vitin 1986 merren me përpunimin e inteligjencës. Kompjuterët e kësaj gjenerate quhen Neurocomputers (Kompjuterët neural, Kompjuterët biologjik) të cilët në punën e tyre tentojnë të imitojnë trurin dhe sistemin nervorë të njeriut. Këta kompjuterë në fillim të jetës mësojnë (me metoda speciale eksperimentale) dhe pastaj janë në gjendje të veprojnë pa prezencën dhe ndikimin e njeriut.
    Sistemi operativ
    - Programet, asemblerët dhe kompajlerët ekzekutohen në kompjuter, në praninë e një mjedisi të caktuar programues. Këtë mjedis programues e përcakton sistemi operativ. Sistemi operativ është një grumbull i programeve i cili manipulon me resurset dhe shërbimet e sistemit kompjuterik (harduerit), siç janë memoria qëndrore, njësitë hyrëse-dalëse, etj. Pra sistemi operativ e komandon (manipulon) me hardverin e sistemit kompjuterik. Programi, në mënyrë implicite apo eksplicite, vetëm përmes direktivave të sistemit operativ mund t'i shfrytëzojë resurset dhe shërbimet e sistemit kompjuterik. Pra programi e urdhëron apo kërkon nga sistemi operativ shfrytëzimin e resurseve kompjuterike.
    - Nga kjo që u tha më sipër shihet se programet të cilat i shkruajmë (programeve aplikative) në gjuhët larta programuese, nuk e komandojnë harduerin, por i dërgojnë komanda sistemit operativ, i cili më pastaj manipulon me harduer për të arritur te rezultatet e dëshiruara. Kjo do të thotë se sistemi operativ është një lloj ndërmjetësuesi (interfejs) në mes të programeve aplikative dhe harduerit kompjuterik.
    - Roli kryesor i sistemit operativ është të shërbej si ndërmjetësues në mes të shfrytëzuesit dhe hardverit kompjuterik, dhe në mes të programeve aplikative dhe hardverit kompjuterik.
    - Ekzistojnë sisteme të ndryshme operative, mirëpo më të njohurat në PC janë MS-DOS dhe MS WINDOWS 95.
    - MS-DOS ( MicroSoft Disk Operating System), që do të thotë sistemi operativ i diskut i majkrosoftit. Nga këndi i vështrimit të programerit MS-DOS është sistem operativ hierarkial, që përmbanë tri nivele (shtresa), të cilat e ndajnë shfrytëzuesin dhe programet aplikative prej hardverit kompjuterik. Këto shtresa janë BIOS ( Basic Input-Output System që do të thotë sistemi themelor për hyrje-dalje), kerneli i DOS-it, dhe interpretuesi i komandave. Shtresa më e ulët është BIOS-i. BIOS-i kryesisht manipulon me këto njësi hardverike:
    ● Konzolla (tastatiera dhe ekrani);
    ● Printed i përgjithshëm;
    ● Portet serike;
    ● Orën e taktit të kompjuterit;
    ● Diskun startues.
    - Kerneli i DOS-it, përveq tjerash, ofron shërbimet për:
    ● Manipulimin e folderëve dhe fajllave;
    ● Manipulimin e memories qëndrore;
    ● Kohën dhe datën;
    ● Menagjmentin e programeve aplikative.
    - Interpretuesi i komandave ka për detyrë që të ekzekutojë komandat të cilat ia jep shfrytëzuesi, duke kyçur edhe leximin dhe ekzekutimin e programeve aplikative.
    - Edhe pse Windows është paraqitur në mes të viteve 1980, nuk pati ndonjë sukses të madh në treg. Mirëpo me lansimin e verzionit Windows 3.0 më 1990, e sidomos me Windows 3.1 një vit më vonë e gjithë kjo ndryshoi, dhe tani Windows është produkt softverik i dyti më i shituri i të gjitha kohrave, pas MS DOS-it (e sidomos me lajmërimin e Windows 95/98).
    Windows punon se bashku me DOS-in por sillet si sistem operativ në vehte. Duke i shtuar nivel softverik mbi DOS, Windows-i i shton zgjerime grafike DOS-it.
    - Popullariteti i Windows-it i ka shtyer shumë programerë dhe shtëpi softverike botuese që të zhvillojnë aplikacione të cilat janë vetëm për Windows. Të gjitha këto aplikacione kanë një pamje të përgjithshme të ngjashme. Nëse dini të drejtoni një strukturë të menysë në një aplikacion të Windows-it atëherë dini të bëni të njejtën gjë edhe në aplikacionet tjera.
    - Përparësitë kryesore të Windows-it janë:
    ● Platformë multitasking, në të cilën shumë aplikacione mund të ekzekutohen në të njejtën kohë.
    ● Pamje gjenerale e ngjashme e të gjitha aplikacioneve të shkruara për Windows.
    ● Mjedis grafik, i cili manipulohet me ndihmën e miut (apo tastierës).
    ● Mundësia e shkëmbimit të informatave - duke përfshirë fotografi, dokumente, etj. ndërmjet aplikacioneve të ndryshme.
    ● Një numër të veglave ndihmëse, duke përfshirë editor të tekstit, program per vizatim, kalkulator, program komunikues për modem, etj.
    • computer dating [këm'pju:të:deiting] n. takim (dy personash) me ndihmën e sistemit informatik telefonik
    • computerese [këmpju:të'ri:z] n. gj.fol. zhargon i / gjuhë e informatikës
    computer game [këm'pju:të:geim] n. lojë elektronike, lojë me kompjuter
    computer aided design, computer assisted design [këm'pju:të: eidid di'zain/ ë'sistid] n. vizatim teknik me kompjuter
    computerist [këm'pju:tërist] n. amer. informatikan
    computerization [këmpju:tërai'zeishën] n 1. trajtim elektronik, kompjuterizim; automatizim. 2. hedhje (të dhënash etj) në kompjuter
    computerize [këm'pju:tëraiz] vt 1. informatizoj, kompjuterizoj; përpunoj në kompjuter. 2. hedh në kompjuter
    computer language [këm'pju:'længwixh] n. gjuhë programimi
    computer literate [këm'pju:'litërit] adj. që ka njohuri në informatikë, që njeh kompjuterin
    computer operator [këm'pju:'opëreitë:(r)] n. kompjuterist, person që punon në/me kompjuter
    computer programmer [këm'pju:'prëugræmë:(r)] n. kmp. programist
    computer science [këm'pju:'saiëns]n. informatikë
    computer studies [këm'pju:'stadis] n. informatikë
    computing [këm'pju:ting] n. ( computer science) informatikë
    * * *

    English-Albanian dictionary > computer

  • 8 Scheutz, George

    b. 23 September 1785 Jonkoping, Sweden
    d. 27 May 1873 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish lawyer, journalist and self-taught engineer who, with his son Edvard Raphael Scheutz (b. 13 September 1821 Stockholm, Sweden; d. 28 January 1881 Stockholm, Sweden) constructed a version of the Babbage Difference Engine.
    After early education at the Jonkoping elementary school and the Weixo Gymnasium, George Scheutz entered the University of Lund, gaining a degree in law in 1805. Following five years' legal work, he moved to Stockholm in 1811 to work at the Supreme Court and, in 1814, as a military auditor. In 1816, he resigned, bought a printing business and became editor of a succession of industrial and technical journals, during which time he made inventions relating to the press. It was in 1830 that he learned from the Edinburgh Review of Babbage's ideas for a difference engine and started to make one from wood, pasteboard and wire. In 1837 his 15-yearold student son, Edvard Raphael Scheutz, offered to make it in metal, and by 1840 they had a working machine with two five-digit registers, which they increased the following year and then added a printer. Obtaining a government grant in 1851, by 1853 they had a fully working machine, now known as Swedish Difference Engine No. 1, which with an experienced operator could generate 120 lines of tables per hour and was used to calculate the logarithms of the numbers 1 to 10,000 in under eighty hours. This was exhibited in London and then at the Paris Great Exhibition, where it won the Gold Medal. It was subsequently sold to the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York, for US$5,000 and is now in a Chicago museum.
    In England, the British Registrar-General, wishing to produce new tables for insurance companies, and supported by the Astronomer Royal, arranged for government finance for construction of a second machine (Swedish Difference Engine No. 2). Comprising over 1,000 working parts and weighing 1,000 lb (450 kg), this machine was used to calculate over 600 tables. It is now in the Science Museum.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Paris Exhibition Medal of Honour (jointly with Edvard) 1856. Annual pension of 1,200 marks per annum awarded by King Carl XV 1860.
    1825, "Kranpunpar. George Scheutz's patent of 14 Nov 1825", Journal for Manufacturer och Hushallning 8.
    ellemême, Stockholm.
    Further Reading
    R.C.Archibald, 1947, "P.G.Scheutz, publicist, author, scientific mechanic and Edvard Scheutz, engineer. Biography and Bibliography", MTAC 238.
    U.C.Merzbach, 1977, "George Scheutz and the first printing calculator", Smithsonian
    Studies in History and Technology 36:73.
    M.Lindgren, 1990, Glory and Failure (the Difference Engines of Johan Muller, Charles Babbage and George \& Edvard Scheutz), Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Scheutz, George

  • 9 Ewart, Peter

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 14 May 1767 Traquair, near Peebles, Scotland
    d. September 1842 London, England
    Scottish pioneer in the mechanization of the textile industry.
    Peter Ewart, the youngest of six sons, was born at Traquair manse, where his father was a clergyman in the Church of Scotland. He was educated at the Free School, Dumfries, and in 1782 spent a year at Edinburgh University. He followed this with an apprenticeship under John Rennie at Musselburgh before moving south in 1785 to help Rennie erect the Albion corn mill in London. This brought him into contact with Boulton \& Watt, and in 1788 he went to Birmingham to erect a waterwheel and other machinery in the Soho Manufactory. In 1789 he was sent to Manchester to install a steam engine for Peter Drinkwater and thus his long connection with the city began. In 1790 Ewart took up residence in Manchester as Boulton \& Watt's representative. Amongst other engines, he installed one for Samuel Oldknow at Stockport. In 1792 he became a partner with Oldknow in his cotton-spinning business, but because of financial difficulties he moved back to Birmingham in 1795 to help erect the machines in the new Soho Foundry. He was soon back in Manchester in partnership with Samuel Greg at Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, where he was responsible for developing the water power, installing a steam engine, and being concerned with the spinning machinery and, later, gas lighting at Greg's other mills.
    In 1798, Ewart devised an automatic expansion-gear for steam engines, but steam pressures at the time were too low for such a device to be effective. His grasp of the theory of steam power is shown by his paper to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society in 1808, On the Measure of Moving Force. In 1813 he patented a power loom to be worked by the pressure of steam or compressed air. In 1824 Charles Babbage consulted him about automatic looms. His interest in textiles continued until at least 1833, when he obtained a patent for a self-acting spinning mule, which was, however, outclassed by the more successful one invented by Richard Roberts. Ewart gave much help and advice to others. The development of the machine tools at Boulton \& Watt's Soho Foundry has been mentioned already. He also helped James Watt with his machine for copying sculptures. While he continued to run his own textile mill, Ewart was also in partnership with Charles Macintosh, the pioneer of rubber-coated cloth. He was involved with William Fairbairn concerning steam engines for the boats that Fairbairn was building in Manchester, and it was through Ewart that Eaton Hodgkinson was introduced to Fairbairn and so made the tests and calculations for the tubes for the Britannia Railway Bridge across the Menai Straits. Ewart was involved with the launching of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway as he was a director of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce at the time.
    In 1835 he uprooted himself from Manchester and became the first Chief Engineer for the Royal Navy, assuming responsibility for the steamboats, which by 1837 numbered 227 in service. He set up repair facilities and planned workshops for overhauling engines at Woolwich Dockyard, the first establishment of its type. It was here that he was killed in an accident when a chain broke while he was supervising the lifting of a large boiler. Engineering was Ewart's life, and it is possible to give only a brief account of his varied interests and connections here.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1843, "Institution of Civil Engineers", Annual General Meeting, January. Obituary, 1843, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Memoirs (NS) 7. R.L.Hills, 1987–8, "Peter Ewart, 1767–1843", Manchester Literary and Philosophical
    Society Memoirs 127.
    M.B.Rose, 1986, The Gregs of Quarry Bank Mill The Rise and Decline of a Family Firm, 1750–1914, Cambridge (covers E wart's involvement with Samuel Greg).
    R.L.Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester; R.L.Hills, 1989, Power
    from Steam, Cambridge (both look at Ewart's involvement with textiles and steam engines).

    Biographical history of technology > Ewart, Peter

  • 10 Institute

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > Institute

  • 11 Augusta Ada Byron

    n. Augusta Ada Byron, (1815-1852) Hertogin van Lovelace, dochter van de dichter Lord Byron, wiskundige die samenwerkte met Charles Babbage om de eerste rekenmachine te vervaardigen (de programmeertaal "Ada"is naar haar genoemd)

    English-Dutch dictionary > Augusta Ada Byron

  • 12 Byron

    n. Byron, familienaam; mannelijke voornaam; Lord george Gordon Byron ( 1788-1824) Engelse Lord en dichter; Augusta Adda Byron (1815-1852), hertoging van Lovelace, dochter van de dichter Lord Byron, wiskundige die samenwerkete met Charles Babbage om de eerste rekenmachine te maken (de programmeertaal "Ada" is naar haar genoemd); aantal steden en dorpen in de Verenigde Staten (zoals Californië, Illinois, Georgia, Minnesota en meer)

    English-Dutch dictionary > Byron

  • 13 Institute

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Institute

  • 14 Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine DH erster mechanischer Computer m (Erfinder Charles Babbage; 19.Jahrhundert)

    English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > Analytical Engine

  • 15 memory address

    адрес [ячейки] памяти
    идея адресуемой памяти и хранимой в ней программы принадлежит Чарльзу Бэббиджу (Charles Babbage, 1792-1871 гг.).

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > memory address

  • 16 Caterpillar Lace

    At the beginning of the 19th century, fabrics under this name were made for ladles' veils. They were devised by an officer of engineers at Munich. He made a paste of leaves of the plant on which a certain caterpillar fed. This was spread over a flat surface of the required size, with a camel-hair brush dipped in olive oil. A pattern was drawn on the paste. The flat surface object was placed in an inclined position and a large number of the insects placed at the bottom. The species chosen spun a strong web and commencing at the bottom they began eating and spinning their way to the top, avoiding every part touched by the oil, and devouring every other part of the paste. These veils were extremely light, one of them measuring 261/2-in.,weighed only 1.51 grains (Charles Babbage, " on the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures ")

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Caterpillar Lace

  • 17 Clement (Clemmet), Joseph

    bapt. 13 June 1779 Great Asby, Westmoreland, England
    d. 28 February 1844 London, England
    English machine tool builder and inventor.
    Although known as Clement in his professional life, his baptism at Asby and his death were registered under the name of Joseph Clemmet. He worked as a slater until the age of 23, but his interest in mechanics led him to spend much of his spare time in the local blacksmith's shop. By studying books on mechanics borrowed from his cousin, a watchmaker, he taught himself and with the aid of the village blacksmith made his own lathe. By 1805 he was able to give up the slating trade and find employment as a mechanic in a small factory at Kirkby Stephen. From there he moved to Carlisle for two years, and then to Glasgow where, while working as a turner, he took lessons in drawing; he had a natural talent and soon became an expert draughtsman. From about 1809 he was employed by Leys, Mason \& Co. of Aberdeen designing and making power looms. For this work he built a screw-cutting lathe and continued his self-education. At the end of 1813, having saved about £100, he made his way to London, where he soon found employment as a mechanic and draughtsman. Within a few months he was engaged by Joseph Bramah, and after a trial period a formal agreement dated 1 April 1814 was made by which Clement was to be Chief Draughtsman and Superintendent of Bramah's Pimlico works for five years. However, Bramah died in December 1814 and after his sons took over the business it was agreed that Clement should leave before the expiry of the five-year period. He soon found employment as Chief Draughtsman with Henry Maudslay \& Co. By 1817 Clement had saved about £500, which enabled him to establish his own business at Prospect Place, Newington Butts, as a mechanical draughtsman and manufacturer of high-class machinery. For this purpose he built lathes for his own use and invented various improvements in their detailed design. In 1827 he designed and built a facing lathe which incorporated an ingenious system of infinitely variable belt gearing. He had also built his own planing machine by 1820 and another, much larger one in 1825. In 1828 Clement began making fluted taps and dies and standardized the screw threads, thus anticipating on a small scale the national standards later established by Sir Joseph Whitworth. Because of his reputation for first-class workmanship, Clement was in the 1820s engaged by Charles Babbage to carry out the construction of his first Difference Engine.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Society of Arts Gold Medal 1818 (for straightline mechanism), 1827 (for facing lathe); Silver Medal 1828 (for lathe-driving device).
    Further Reading
    S.Smiles, 1863, Industrial Biography, London, reprinted 1967, Newton Abbot (virtually the only source of biographical information on Clement).
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1965, Tools for the Job, London (repub. 1986); W.Steeds, 1969, A History of Machine Tools 1700–1910, Oxford (both contain descriptions of his machine tools).

    Biographical history of technology > Clement (Clemmet), Joseph

  • 18 Goldstine, Herman H.

    b. 13 September 1913 USA
    American mathematician largely responsible for the development of ENIAC, an early electronic computer.
    Goldstine studied mathematics at the University of Chicago, Illinois, gaining his PhD in 1936. After teaching mathematics there, he moved to a similar position at the University of Michigan in 1939, becoming an assistant professor. After the USA entered the Second World War, in 1942 he joined the army as a lieutenant in the Ballistic Missile Research Laboratory at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. He was then assigned to the Moore School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was involved with Arthur Burks in building the valve-based Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) to compute ballistic tables. The machine was completed in 1946, but prior to this Goldstine had met John von Neumann of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) at Princeton, New Jersey, and active collaboration between them had already begun. After the war he joined von Neumann as Assistant Director of the Computer Project at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, becoming its Director in 1954. There he developed the idea of computer-flow diagrams and, with von Neumann, built the first computer to use a magnetic drum for data storage. In 1958 he joined IBM as Director of the Mathematical Sciences Department, becoming Director of Development at the IBM Data Processing Headquarters in 1965. Two years later he became a Research Consultant, and in 1969 he became an IBM Research Fellow.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Goldstine's many awards include three honorary degrees for his contributions to the development of computers.
    1946, with A.Goldstine, "The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)", Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation 2:97 (describes the work on ENIAC).
    1946, with A.W.Burks and J.von Neumann, "Preliminary discussions of the logical design of an electronic computing instrument", Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies.
    1972, The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann, Princeton University Press.
    1977, "A brief history of the computer", Proceedings of the American Physical Society 121:339.
    Further Reading
    M.Campbell-Kelly \& M.R.Williams (eds), 1985, The Moore School Lectures (1946), Charles Babbage Institute Report Series for the History of Computing, Vol 9. M.R.Williams, 1985, History of Computing Technology, London: Prentice-Hall.

    Biographical history of technology > Goldstine, Herman H.

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